10 € / 45min
Über den Lehrer
I am a Mechanical Engineer and currently, I am doing my Master in Computational Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rostock. I am fluent in English and can speak simple German as well. I am very friendly and will make sure that every lesson is fun and interesting. Moreover, I have free time these days, hence, I am can teach at flexible times. I naturally love teaching as well so I'll make sure my students also get the most out of the lessons.
1 - 10
10 € / 45min
1 - 10
10 € / 45min
Wie läuft der Mathematik Unterricht ab?
Ich bin Maschinenbauingenieur und habe viel Mathematik studiert und unterrichtet. Ich kann Mathematik für Sie einfach und spaß machen. Ich kann sehr gut Englisch sprechen und auch ein bisschen Deutsch.
Wie läuft der Englisch Unterricht ab?
I have completed all of my studies in English and my current Master's degree is also in the English language. I also have IELTS certification, so I can really help you with your English.